Hello beautiful soul!

Turning the light on for women all over the world with womb magic, healing, wisdom and connection to spirit. Through centuries of time women have been healing with the use of their moon blood, receiving messages from spirit, the oracles, mages and Priestesses. We have been made to live and create in a man dominated world and women have lost touch of their own psychic abilities that guide then to great coaches, healers and leaders today. Creating a wave of womb consciousness resonance by giving our attention back to our feminine energy that lives in all beings.

As women, we often neglect how powerful, abundant and creatively attuned our womb and heart centers are to create the prosperous life we all desire. They are the seat of our soul and the core of our divine feminine essence. Our wombs hold so much more than we can ever imagine, from past life emotions, soul contracts, generational disease, karmic ties and the keys to our most preciously desired manifestations in wealth and love. Through womb transforming we are able to reset a balance to the energetic system of our beings and remove generations of shame and all negativity, leading to the rise of women empowerment. This creates a shift to self-mastery, transforming our relationships with love, money, creativity and health. A rebirth of life from the inside out.

Learning and remembering practices with energetic boundaries, discernment allows us to experience what is ours and what is not ours emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. As we strengthen our core and boundaries, we are able to effortlessly magnetize the people, situations and frequencies that we most desire and use the love of God to help clear and remove all that does not serve our highest and greatest good. Invoking our intuition that deepens our faith and trust in ourselves therefore a higher power.

Let’s create the space for you to live your dream life now as a powerful feminine leader in love, life and wealth. Come home to yourself. Build your empire, activate your Egyptian royal energies and shift out of lack and scarcity. Believe you can quantum leap into a new prosperous reality. You are worthy, you are taken care of you are divinely guided because you just are.

Get ready for your life is about to turn around in the most amazing, sexy, and powerful way.

~ All my love Venus

As Featured in:


Listen to The Frequency with Venus Podcast below!


Venus is a world - renowned Reiki Master healer and a leader for empowering women and all walks of life.

Founder & Creator Starlight Global Healing, Breathwork of Gaia, Crystalline Genome™Frequency Technology, Suntribe High Priestess Training School™, Womb of Light Practitioner™, The Blessing Doula™, Crystalline Genome Language™ and Oracle of Codes Activator™ Galactic Reiki Certification™

Through her feminine containers Holy Femme and Transcend she activates women through healing modalities she has created and guides them back to their worth, intuition and wealth. Giving them the option to only create the love, life and career that will give them the most pleasure.

Venus is not like any “Reiki Master” you have met before, she combines her background as a Light Language channeler with healing energetics to give you direct and clear messages from spirit.

After a decade of working in the corporate world with her major in fashion design and retail she got fired and started her first healing business focused on womb healing sessions for women and children. And now that has bloomed into her empire it is today.

Her sexual assault case went public in Los Angeles activating the wisdom of what women need help with in order to embody a life of wealth and pleasure.

Venus is a aires sun, gemini rising and scorpio moon. A 5/1 manifestor splenic authority. Her best environment she thrives in are the mountains. She was born in Rome, Italy and both her parents are Hungarian she now lives in Austin, TX with her cat Shiva.


Venus Celia Ra MNLP, MTT, MHT

  • Yoga Teacher Yoga to the People, San Francisco

  • Karuna Ki Reiki Master

  • Birth Doula DONA International

  • Akashic Records Reader

  • Certified Master Practitioner or Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Certified Master Success and Life Coach or Certified Success and Life Coach

  • Certified Master Practitioner or Certified Practitioner of TIME Techniques™

  • Certified Master Hypnotherapist or Certified Hypnotherapist

  • Certified Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

  • Board Certification by the International

  • Board of Coaches and Practitioners

Heart Shares

“I’ve been so full of creative juices I feel my channel was upgraded to another level.” - Ryan Dale

“My daughter is 8 now and since she was 2, I would say she was a very sensitive child. She later developed a mild skin condition on her cheeks and on her arms. We went to Dr after Dr, to nutritionists, iridologist, naturopaths but no one could quite put their finger on the problem. We tried changing her diet, and she refused any sort of medication. In the last two weeks she started to develop Eczema on the back of her hand and this was the same time I found Venus. After one session Venus was able to tell me everything I need to know about my daughter and this as a mother of two girls was the best gift I could ever receive. Not only that but 2 days after the session my daughters skin and sensitivity were better and her eczema had completely cleared up. Venus you are a blessing to anyone who had the privilege to experience you gifts and to work with you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart to bringing me closer to my girls. A complete blessing.” - Rebecca Wilson

“I got my moon the same day I received a session. Followed by heighten dreaming and creativity flowing in and deep sleep. Feeling Pleiadian energy, different planets, life as mystical and connecting to Lumerian energy and realms that have been so beautiful.” - lucero gonzalez

“Venus is an incredibly gifted healer, teacher, and angel. I was absolutely blown away by how incredible intuitive-connected she is. Tapping into deep compassion to foster a space of immense healing and strives to connect with her students/clients on an authentic level. Being around her energy is simply divine.” - Julian Skywalker

“ Venus is a true gift, she helped me open up my heart chakra after some tough relationship moments and expand my career in finishing writting my book and finding my courage to stand in my feminine”. - Aneta Kosinska

“In the beginning I was being taken into what looked like a woman’s uterus. I was being guided in there. And once I entered that space my body felt like it was held deep into the earth but also into the body of a woman. I kept hearing how important it is for me to protect and keep clear my sacred organ and sexual energy. And that I’m super sensitive to people’s energy fields. Also something or whatever was telling me how important it is to have discernment during this time. FOR all energy and people in life. Especially the deeper I go into this work. That the more radiant I become and Intune with my purest essence- the more energies want to come stick onto me that aren’t serving my highest missions. I then felt my kundalini energy wake up from the base of my spine and shoot me into my third eye. From there I was in the infinite. And so many people and energies and past thought forms were being completely cleared from my field. It was seriously so much energy that the phone would cut out and make certain weird noises but I would still be so deep in the process.” - Cassidy Schneider

“Mentoring with Venus one on one was the best investment ever. It was very empowering and I learned how to bevome a leader. I felt so connected to my higher self and my gifts started pouring in! SO grateful to come across Venus and her healing.” - Ryhs

“I am kinder and more loving to myself, easily expressing my love and affection to those closest to me. I noticed my mother’s energy also shifted, I believe the healing extended to her heart as well. So many happy feelings, I am grateful to have received these blessings. Thank you.” - Claryss Ann

“Her healing activations literally helped me start channeling my own light language!” - Candance Luiver